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  • 565
  • Update: 30 September 2016, 16:27

The ceremony of rewarding the winners regarding the context of attracting population deposits as of the end of 2012 took place on January 26, 2013 in the Association of banks of Uzbekistan

The ceremony of rewarding the winners regarding the context of attracting population deposits as of the end of 2012 took place on January 26, 2013 in the Association of banks of Uzbekistan
28.01.2013 17:57:00
The most favorable conditions for the servicing customers, wide range of proposed banking products, with the use of the latest technologies, allowed the Head operational department of "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" to become the winner in the nomination of  "The most contemporary Equipped Division of the Bank".
The ceremony of rewarding the winners regarding the context of attracting population deposits as of the end of 2012 took place on January 26, 2013 in the Association of banks of Uzbekistan
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