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  • Update: 28 May 2024, 13:57

Utilities payment

Bank branches and mini-banks accept all payment types from population in favor of state, commercial enterprises, establishments, organizations and payment in favor of state budget independently of payer and current accounts of organizations-receivers location within the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Above operations are performed by means of cash acceptance as well as money transfer by order of physical persons about money write-off from their deposit accounts, plastic cards using computers, terminals and infokiosks. Payments are made on base of municipal services suppliers’ receipts executed by client or, in case of their absence, by form 002-Ш-ТХ , that can be executed in place of payment. 

Operations on payments acceptance from population for municipal services and other paid services can be made in any bank branch irrespectively of payer’s residence and organizations’ current accounts – payment receivers within the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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(+998 71) 231-60-67
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(+99871) 231-60-76
Work schedule: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
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