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  • Update: 28 May 2024, 12:51

Mr. Umidjon Abduazimov

Chairman of the Management Board

Born in 1980.
In 2001, he graduated from the National University of Uzbekistan with a bachelor degree in International Economics.
In 2004, he graduated from the National University of Uzbekistan with a master's degree in the specialty International economic relations.

He began his banking career in 2004 at the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the positions of a specialist of the Customer Service Division of the S.Rakhimov branch and promoted till the position of the Head of the Division.
From 2008 to 2013, he worked in the JSCB Credit-Standard, held the position of Head of the Foreign Exchange Operations Department, the Conversion Accounting and Export-Import Transactions Accounting Department, Deputy Manager of the Tashkent city branch, Deputy Director of the Department of Monetary Circulation and Retail Operations, as well as Head of the Operations Department.

Since 2013, he has worked in the JSCB "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" system in senior positions, such as: Head of the Retail loan division of the Department of Lending and Servicing Corporate Clients, Deputy Manager - Head of the Front Office Mirzo - Ulugbek branch, Manager of the Mirzo -  Ulugbek branch of JSCB "ASIA ALLIANCE" BANK."

From May 2024 was appointed as Chairman of the Management Board of JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”.

Carries out general management of the Bank’s activity in accordance with the Charter, also directly coordinates and controls the activities of the following departments:

·  Human Resources Department;
·  Legal Department;
·  Treasury Department;
·  Private Banking Department;
·  Information Security Department; 
·  Department of Organizational Control;
·  Marketing Department.
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