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  • Update: 3 November 2023, 15:47

Ms. Gayane Danielyan

Head of Legal Department

Born in 1979.

In 2000 she graduated from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, having specialized in “International legal relations”.
She began her career in 2000 at the Republican Trade Exhibition Center “Uzexpocenter” as a specialist in the Department of international and national exhibitions.

From 2001 to 2009 she worked at the State Joint-Stock Foreign Trade Company “Uzprommashimpeks” (under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan) in the positions of the 1st category legal adviser, leading legal adviser, senior legal adviser of the Legal Department.

From September 2009 (since opening) she works as Head of Legal Services Department of the Open Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”.

From May 2012 she works as Head of Legal Department of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”.


- Inspection regarding compliance with legislation , visaing and presentation of conclusions concerning draft documents of legal nature (orders, instructions, provisions and other acts of legal nature) submitted for the bank management signature. 

- Visaing draft agreements concluded by the bank on amount not exceeding two hundred-times minimal salary, only in cases when draft agreements comply with legislation requirements.

- Control and practical assistance to branches’ legal services, explanations regarding legal questions arising in their practical activity;

- Protection of the bank proprietary and other interests in courts and other establishments.

- Organization of legal activity for the bank and its structural subdivisions property safety provision.

- Performs other functions within limits of department competence.

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(+998 71) 231-60-67
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Work schedule: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
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