II. Credit operations (including leasing, guarantees) in national and foreign currencies*

Name In percentage or monetary units Note
2.1. Interest rate for bank loans (lease) in accordance with the conditions approved by the bank for lending to corporate clients (link) Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.2. Fine for overdue loans (lease) up to 1,5 times of interest rate of the loan (lease) Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.3. Fine for overdue interests on loans (lease) in accordance with the conditions approved by the bank for lending to corporate clients (link) Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.4. Opening and servicing loan (lease) account no charge
2.5. Review of documents of the loan (lease) no charge
2.6. Taking collateral, partial and full discharge of collateral for bank loans (lease) no charge

When issuing a power of attorney to drive a pledged vehicle

0,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*

At the same time, the client should not have overdue debts

2.8. Change of loan (lease) conditions by the initiative of the borrower Up to 5 x base rate (excluding VAT)*
Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.9. Selling the loan (lease) to other banks (entities) no charge
2.10. Commission for the unused part of the credit line no charge (excluding loans, financed by sources of foreign credit lines)
2.11. Issuance of guarantees***

а) Review of documents for guarantee issuance 1% of amount of guarantee based on the positive decision of the Credit Committee
b) Commission for guarantee issuance 1% - 3% of amount guarantee Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
c) Commission for issuing a guarantee if there is cash coverage 0,7% of amount guarantee
d) Changes to increase the amount of the guarantee 1% - 3% of amount of increased value Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
e) If the amount of the increase is fully covered by cash 0,7 % of amount of increased value
f) Changes to Extend Warranty Period up to 6 months (inclusive) - 10 base rate; over 6 months - 15 base rate (excluding VAT)*

g) Changes in the terms of guarantees, not related to changes in the amount and duration of the guarantee for each change in guarantees in national currency - 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*; for each change in foreign currency - 25 USD (excluding VAT)*

*In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated December 29, 2021 No. URK-741, from April 1 of year 2022, banking services with a fixed fee are included in the taxable object for levying VAT in the amount corresponding to the current legislation.

**Loans (leases) from foreign credit lines are issued under the terms of foreign credit lines

*** on guarantees, provided in foreign currency, commission charged in UZS in accordance with currency exchange on the date of payment.

General conditions for the application of tariffs:

The tariffs established for corporate clients also apply to services for individual entrepreneurs, permanent establishments, representative offices of foreign companies, state-owned enterprises, organizations and others, unless otherwise provided separately.

In cases where a different size of the commission or not charging a commission is established by the requirements of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan or other regulatory acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the sizes and conditions established in these regulatory documents apply.

Base rate – an estimation (instead of minimum wage), implemented as of 1st of September, 2019 in accordance with Presidential Decree No.5723 dd.21.05.2019