I. Payments and cash services (PCS)

1. Transactions in national currency

Name Commission rate
Tariff "Innovation"
1.1. Account keeping
1.1.1. Opening an account, closing and transfering of account to other bank (including preparation of documents) no charge
1.1.2. Accrual of interest on deposits in national currency in accordance to the conditions approved for deposits to corporate clients 
1.1.3. Issuance of account turnover statements on the hard copy or electronical basys for a specified period upon client's request, including audit company request

а) according to the request of the client with a valid account According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"
b) according to the request of the client who was previously served and closed bank accounts 1,0 base rate for each (excluding VAT)*
1.1.4. Opening of a letter of credit 1,0 base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.1.5. Changing the terms of the letter of credit 1,0 base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.1.6. Cancellation of a letter of credit no charge
1.2. Non cash transactions
1.2.1. Crediting incoming funds to the account no charge
1.2.2. Outgoing payments processing of corporate customers:

a) external (to other banks) no charge
b) internal (within JCB "ASIА ALLIANCE BANK") no charge
1.2.3. Outgoing payments processing of corporate customers via "Internet-Banking" and "Alliance Mobile" services:

a) external (to other banks) According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"
b) internal (within JCB "ASIА ALLIANCE BANK") According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"
1.2.4. Execution of outgoing tax payments paid to the budget, as well as all types of utility payments paid to a single treasury account, including through the MUNIS system no charge
Transfer of collected cash (including a cash deposited directly by a client) to a client's account (primary or secondary) opened in another bank
0,2% of the amount for regional branches: by agreement up to 0.2% of the amount
1.3. Cash transactions (cash services)
1.3.1. Accepting and recounting cash (currency notes), deposited to the bank no charge
1.3.2. Cash withdrawal for salary, pension, allowances, stipend and business trip expenses no charge
1.3.3. Cash withdrawal for other purposes (except for those specified in clauses 1.3.2)   1% of the amount 
For exporters** - 0,5% from the amount. No charge if cash is provided by Central Bank
1.3.4. Providing checkbooks According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"
1.3.5. Fine for loss of checkbook According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"


** Exporters are legal entities, as well as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming legal entities - residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who have concluded export and barter contracts with non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the export of goods (works, services) and have credited the bank with export proceeds in the amount of at least 50 thousand US dollars in equivalent per half-year (for enterprises whose activities are seasonal - per year).

2. Transactions in foreign currency

Name Commission rate Note
2.1. Account keeping
2.1.1. Opening an account, closing and transferring an account (preparing documents for transfer) to another bank no charge
2.1.2. Accrual of interest on clients deposits in foreign currency according to the conditions approved for deposits of corporate clients 
2.1.3. Search for funds and monetary documents through SWIFT system 140 000 soums + partner bank commission (including VAT)*
2.1.4. Provision of SWIFT confirmations at the written or electronic request of the client 50 000 UZS (excluding VAT)*
2.1.5. Commission for processing documents submitted on paper 210 000 soum (including VAT)* Commission is charging for the transactions on the hard copy docs basys, while an Internet-banking service is existing
2.2. Non cash transactions
2.2.1. Crediting incoming funds to the account no charge
«Standard» package for transfers in foreign currency

0,15% of the payment amount, min – 2 base rate, max – 5 base rate (including OUR) (excluding VAT)

«VIP» package for transfers in foreign currency

2,5 base rate per payment, regardless of the payment amount (including OUR). (excluding VAT)

2.2.4. Transfers within the Bank system no charge
2.2.5. Change of transfer conditions, return, cancellation of the transfer (through no fault of the bank) after accepting it for execution 140 000 sum + partner bank commission (including VAT)*
2.2.6. Return of unpaid or refused payment documents no charge
2.2.7. Sending client’s daily account statements via SWIFT

200 US dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan (excluding VAT) monthly

2.2.8. Return of mistakenly received funds 500 000 UZS (excluding VAT)* the commission is charged from the amount of payment in foreign currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan on the day of the transaction.
2.3. Cash services in foreign currency
2.3.1. Acceptance of cash in foreign currency and crediting to clients' accounts (excluding Russian rubles) no charge
2.3.2. Acceptance of cash Russian rubles and their crediting to customer accounts 2% of the amount
2.3.3. Foreign currency cash withdrawall from banks account 0,3% of the amount Commission is charged in national currency at the rate of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan
2.3.4. Acceptance and processing of damaged foreign currency notes 5% of the amount at par Commission is charged in national currency at the rate of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan
2.4. Conversion transactions

Buying / Selling of  foreign currency against national currency

no charge

According to the bank rate
2.4.2. Acceptance and consideration of an application for the purchase of foreign currency for national currency 50 000 UZS (excluding VAT)*

An operation to convert one foreign currency to another type

no charge

According to the bank rate
2.5. Servicing foreign trade contracts for legal entities
2.5.1. Deregistration of unexecuted export, import and barter contract due to transfering to other bank 100 000 UZS for each contract (excluding VAT)*
2.5.2. Issuance of electronic certificate on export and barter contract settlements in the Single Electronic Information System for Foreign Trade Operations 50 000 UZS for each certificate (excluding VAT)*
2.5.3. Reply to written inquiries of clients on export-import contracts 140 000 soum (including VAT)*
2.5.4. Implementation of mutual settlements under foreign trade contracts in the Single Electronic Information System for Foreign Trade Operations 2 base rate (excluding VAT)*
2.5.5. Write-off of accounts payable under foreign trade contracts in the Single Electronic Information System for Foreign Trade Operations 0,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*
2.6. Servicing of external borrowing agreements
2.6.1. Servicing an external borrowing agreement 140 000 soum (including VAT)*  payment is charged monthly for each contract
2.7. Bank services related with direct financing of clients by International financial institutions and/or foreign banks
2.7.1. Examination and confirmation of documents 0,1% of the amount of documents + SWIFT fees MIN-30% of Base rate, MAX-15xBase rate (excluding SWIFT fees)
2.7.2. Other services related with direct financing of clients by international financial institutions and/or foreign banks by agreement
2.8. Other transactions in foreign currency
2.8.1. SWAP operations by agreement

II. Credit operations (including leasing, guarantees) in national and foreign currencies*

Name In percentage or monetary units Note
2.1. Interest rate for bank loans (lease) in accordance with the conditions approved by the bank for lending to corporate clients  Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.2. Fine for overdue loans (lease) up to 1,5 times of interest rate of the loan (lease) Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.3. Fine for overdue interests on loans (lease) in accordance with the conditions approved by the bank for lending to corporate clients Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.4. Opening and servicing loan (lease) account no charge
2.5. Review of documents of the loan (lease) no charge
2.6. Taking collateral, partial and full discharge of collateral for bank loans (lease) no charge

When issuing a power of attorney to drive a pledged vehicle

0,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*

At the same time, the client should not have overdue debts

2.8. Change of loan (lease) conditions by the initiative of the borrower Up to 5 x base rate (excluding VAT)*
Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
2.9. Selling the loan (lease) to other banks (entities) no charge
2.10. Commission for the unused part of the credit line no charge (excluding loans, financed by sources of foreign credit lines)
2.11. Issuance of guarantees**

а) Review of documents for guarantee issuance 1% of amount of guarantee based on the positive decision of the Credit Committee
b) Commission for guarantee issuance 1% - 3% of amount guarantee Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
c) Commission for issuing a guarantee if there is cash coverage 0,7% of amount guarantee
d) Changes to increase the amount of the guarantee 1% - 3% of amount of increased value Based on the decision of the Credit Committee
e) If the amount of the increase is fully covered by cash 0,7 % of amount of increased value
f) Changes to Extend Warranty Period up to 6 months (inclusive) - 10 base rate; over 6 months - 15 base rate (excluding VAT)*

g) Changes in the terms of guarantees, not related to changes in the amount and duration of the guarantee for each change in guarantees in national currency - 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*; for each change in foreign currency - 25 USD (excluding VAT)*

* Loans (leases) from foreign credit lines are issued under the terms of foreign credit lines

** On guarantees, provided in foreign currency, commission charged in UZS in accordance with currency exchange on the date of payment.

III. Commission for trade finance transactions

Name Amount of commission Note
1. Collection of payments
1.1. Issuance of documents against acceptance or payment 1,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.2. Issuance of documents free from payment 50% of base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.3. Change of conditions of collection order or its cancellation 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.4. Examination and sending documents for collection 0.2% of the amount according to the documents MIN-0,5xBase rate
1.5. Transfer of collection orders of foreign banks to other banks 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.6. Return of facilities to the remitting bank due to client's refusal to pay or accept 1 Base rate + postal service fees (excluding VAT)*
1.7. Actions related with protest 1,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*
2. Documentary letters of credit (Import)
2.1. Opening/ Increase the amount / Prolongation of a letter of credit 0,25 % from the amount every quarter (complete or incomplete) + SWIFT fees MIN- 3xBase rate (excluding SWIFT fees)
2.2. Amendments to a letter of credit / cancellation 1,5xBase rate + SWIFT fees (excluding VAT)*
2.3. Acceptance, examination and sending of documents on letters of credit Commission of bank partner + post fees + 50% of Base rate for each document
2.4. Payments on letters of credit 0,25% from the amount + SWIFT fees MIN-1xBase rate, MAX-8xBase rate (excluding SWIFT fees)
2.5. Commission for difference in documentation presented in a letter of credit 2,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*
2.6. Servicing LCs under post financing terms by agreement
3. Documentary letters of credit (Export)
3.1. Preliminary letter of credit / changes advising 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*
3.2. Advising letter of credit / changes advising 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*  + commissions and expenses of advising banks
3.3. Acceptance of letter of credit by agreement
3.4. Acceptance, verification (at the request of the client) and sending documents under a letter of credit 0,1% from the amount of documents+ postal service fees MIN-2x Base rare, MAX-15x base rate (excluding postal service fees)
3.5. Receiving and sending documents under a letter of credit (without verification) 2 base rate (excluding VAT)*  + postal service fees
3.6. Payments on letters of credit (in case of indicating the Bank as the executor and the payment by the Bank under the terms of the export letter of credit) 3 base rate (excluding VAT)*
3.7. Negotiation and discounting by request by agreement
4. Guarantee/standby letter of credit
4.1. Advising a guarantee/standard letter of credit or advising an amendment to a guarantee/standard letter of credit 1 base rate (excluding VAT)*  + commissions and expenses of advising banks
4.2. Issuance, increase and prolongation

а) upon presentation cash cover in foreign currency 0,1% from the amount every quarter (complete or incomplete) MIN 3 base rate
b) upon presentation cash cover in national currency by agreement
c) without providing cover by agreement
4.3. Changes in guarantee conditions 1,5xBase rate + SWIFT fees (excluding VAT)*
4.4. Examination of documents under the guarantee 0,1% from the amount of documents MIN-2x Base rate, MAX-15x Base rate
4.5. Payment of claims under the guarantee 1,5 base rate (excluding VAT)*
4.6. Annulation of guarantee 3 base rate (excluding VAT)*

IV. Servicing corporate clients using corporate bank cards, servicing trade and service enterprises

1. Servicing corporate clients with corporate bank cards in national currency.

Name Uzcard / Humo
1.1. Issuance of main/additional corporate cards, re-issuance of card upon card expiry, loss or damage

According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"

1.2. Transfer of funds from a transit account to a customer’s corporate card account

0,5% from the amount transfer

1.3. Deposit of funds to the account of the corporate card

no charge

1.4. Blocking a card and activating a blocked card

no charge

  Commission for monthly card service

no charge

IV. Servicing corporate clients using corporate bank cards, servicing trade and service enterprises
2. Servicing corporate clients with international bank cards

2.1. Commission fees for issuing and servicing corporate international bank plastic cards in foreign currency.

Service description Amount of commission Note
2.1.1. Issuance of bank cards
2.1.1. IIssuance of main/additional corporate plastic card 250 000 soum (including VAT)* Commission is paid before the card is issued. Card validity period - 3 years
2.1.2. Re-issuance of a card upon expiration, at the request of the client in case of loss or damage to the card 250 000 soum (including VAT)* paid by the client simultaneously with the application
2.2. Maintaining a bank card account:
2.2.1. Annual card account service fee 250 000 soum (including VAT)* The commission is paid by the client at the same time as submitting the application. In case of early closing of the card, the paid commission for the year of service is not refundable.
2.2.2. Insurance deposit 200 $/2 000 000 soum The amount of the insurance deposit is formed at the expense of the client’s funds recorded on the card account. The amount of the insurance deposit is not available for use with the card.
2.2.3. Replenishment of the card by cashless transfer of funds to the card account no charge
2.2.4. Card blocking upon customer request no charge
2.2.5. Payment for goods / works / services 0
excluding the commission of other bank

2.2.6. Issuance of a certificate on the state of the card account with a cover letter from the bank 250 000 soum (including VAT)*
2.2.7. Consideration of disputed operations upon a client’s statement of disagreement with the operation 150 000 UZS (including VAT)* consideration of each transaction

2.2.8. Provision of information services: SMS notification of completed transactions, access to your personal account no charge
2.2.9. Connection of 3D service - Secure no charge

Special conditions:

Payment of goods / works / services by a corporate card on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is not allowed (except for payment for air and train tickets - MMS code TSP-4511 and 4722).

These bank tariffs do not determine and do not take into account the tariffs of acquirer banks, whose fees are charged at the places of card use.

3. Servicing of trade and service enterprises.

Name Amount of commission Note
3.1. Rent of trade terminal
3.1.1. Rent of trade terminal serving the card system UzCard, HUMO (monthly)

а) for corporate clients no charge
b) for individual entrepreneurs no charge

Rent of a pin pad serving plastic cards of the UzCard, HUMO system (per month)

no charge

for corporate clients

no charge

for individual entrepreneurs

no charge
3.2. Processing of the transactions:
а) Conducted through UZCARD terminals through bank cards:

- UzCard 0,2% Commission is charged on the amount of the transaction. When servicing MasterCard/Visa cards (except for local ones), a commission of 2 %/1,5% is charged from the card account in addition to the commission specified in this section.

MasterCard/Visa 1%
- UPI no charge
- МИР 0,5%
- Fee for each disputed transaction (MasterCard) lost by the acquirer 15 euro (at the rate of the Central Bank on the day of payment, according to the rules of the MasterCard payment system)
b) Conducted through HUMO terminals through bank cards:

- Humo 0,2% Commission is charged on the amount of the transaction. When servicing VISA and MasterCard cards (except for local ones), a commission of 1,5 % is charged from the card account in addition to the commission specified in this section.
- Visa 1% 
- MasterCard 1% 

UPI 1%

c) Carried out via HUMO MPOS terminals via bank cards:

- Humo 0,3%

Commission is charged from the amount of the transaction. When servicing VISA and MasterCard cards (except for local ones), a fee of 1.5% is charged from the card account in addition to the commission specified in this section.
- Visa 1,5% 
- MasterCard 1,5% 

3.3. Compensation of the cost of repaired trading terminal cost of repair
3.4. Fine for loss and/or damage caused to terminal that cannot be repaired 1 500 000 UZS (including VAT) + residual value of the terminal
3.5. Fine for loss and/or damage caused to terminal spare parts (power supply) that cannot be repaired 350 000 soum (including VAT)*
3.6. Obtaining an authorization code to activate the terminal in the UzCard system 30 000 UZS  (including VAT) for each year Charged from a point of sale in case of terminal repair not by authorized suppliers
3.7. Rent of self-service bank info-kiosks (monthly) by agreement
3.8. Internet acquiring services in national currency through the service providers by agreement Free registration of virtual terminal (E-POS)
3.9. Accepting payments through the "Qr-Online" system no charge Register and issue a QR code for free

V. Servicing corporate clients using remote banking channels and self-service devices

1. Interactive services

Name Commission rate                                Note
1.1. Installation (connection) of the "Internet Banking" and “Alliance Mobile” systems, delivery of certificates, re-registration and change of password of the electronic digital signature no charge
1.2. Account management fee for "Internet Banking" system (monthly) According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"1 base rate (excluding VAT)*
see Notes No. 1,2,3
1.3. Account management fee for “Alliance Mobile” system (monthly)
If a client is using "Internet Banking" system, monthly account management fee for “Alliance Mobile” system will be UZS 10 000. 
1.4. Fine for loss or damage of electronic key of "Internet Banking” by the client 2 base rate (excluding VAT)*
1.5. Connection to the "SMS-Banking" system no charge
1.6. Monthly subscription for "SMS-Banking" services per telephone number According to the terms of the Tariff Package "Innovation"


1. In the absence of outgoing payments on the client's accounts and non-use of banking services in the current month or in the case of payment of bank commissions (except for payments on bank loans), the bank commission for this service is not charged.

2. In case of early termination of the bank account agreement and the corresponding agreement for the provision of a certain banking service, the collected commission is not recalculated and is not returned.

3. The monthly commission is charged upon debit turnover for the current month.

General conditions for the application of tariffs:

In cases where a different size of the commission or not charging a commission is established by the requirements of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan or other regulatory acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then the sizes and conditions established in these regulatory documents apply.

A banking day is considered an official working day of the Bank, as well as the correspondent bank.

A banking day is considered an official working day of the Bank, as well as the correspondent bank.

Base rate is a basic calculated value (instead of the minimum wage) introduced on September 1, 2019 in accordance with UP-5723 dated May 21, 2019.

Terms of the Tariff Package “Innovation” for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

List of services Commission size and terms of application of tariffs Note

Commission for services for electronic remote servicing of client accounts:

1.3. Internet Banking service According to the terms of the Innovation Tariff Package, not less than 1 base rate (excluding VAT)* Section V.1
1.4. Alliance Mobile service
1.7. SMS Banking service
1.2.2. Execution of outgoing payments (debit turnover) submitted on paper:
For exporters** - 0.2% of the payment amount Section I.1
a) external (to other banks) 0.3% of the payment amount
b) internal (in the Bank's system) no charge
1.2.3. Execution of outgoing payments (debit turnover) via the Internet Banking and Alliance Mobile systems
Section I.1
a) external (to other banks) 0.2% of the payment amount
b) internal (in the Bank's system) no charge
1.1.4. а) Issuance of a written and/or electronic certificate on the account status, on transactions for the period, based on the client's request, including at the request of the audit firm no charge Section I.1
1.2. Re-installation (connection) of the Internet Banking system with a specialist's visit (based on the act) no charge Section V.1
1.1. Issue of the main or additional corporate plastic card, reissue upon expiration of the card, loss (misplacement) or damage to the card no charge Section V.1
1.3.4. Registration of checkbooks no charge Section IV.1
1.3.5. Fine for loss of a checkbook no charge Section I.1


*In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated December 29, 2021 No. URK-741, from April 1 of year 2022, banking services with a fixed fee are included in the taxable object for levying VAT in the amount corresponding to the current legislation.