“Open a VISA card in ASIA ALLIANCE BANK and participate in prize drawing!!!”
A client of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK who will open a VISA Gold and/or VISA Classic card in the period from 1 May to 31 July 2017 will automatically become a participant of the prize drawing including the super prize “Travel for two persons to Bali Island in the second half of August 2017”.
Conditions and procedure of the Action:
Procedure of obtaining prizes:
A client of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK who will open a VISA Gold and/or VISA Classic card in the period from 1 May to 31 July 2017 will automatically become a participant of the prize drawing including the super prize “Travel for two persons to Bali Island in the second half of August 2017”.
Conditions and procedure of the Action:
- action period: 1 May to 31 July 2017;
- only a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan may participate in the Action;
- an employee of, or a close relative of employee of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK may not be a participant of the Action;
- the Action is realized in all the subdivisions of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK located in Tashkent city or in the regions;
- in the period of the Action, a client will open a VISA Classic and/or VISA Gold card and automatically become a participant of the Action;
- in the period of Action, VISA Gold card will be opened on attractive conditions, i.e. commission for issue of VISA Gold card will be not USD 50 according to the approved rates, but USD 10, thus, the cost of issue of VISA Gold card will be equal to the cost of issue of VISA Classic card;
- each 16-digit number of the basic VISA Gold and/or VISA Classic card opened in the period of card validity will participate in the drawing. That means, in case if one participant of the Action opened more than one card, all the cards issued to the name of that Participant will participate in the drawing;
- on a monthly basis, namely 31 May and 30 July 2017, 10 interim prizes will be drawn in form of home appliances. All the Clients being participants of the Action, no matter when they joined the Action, will participate in each subsequent drawing;
- the final drawing will be on 1 August 2017, when 5 prizes will be drawn (home appliances) and the super prize “Travel for two persons to Bali Island in the second half of August 2017”. The travel for two persons includes accommodation in a 5-star hotel under “All Inclusive” system within the specified period;
- for demonstration of transparency and openness, the interim and final drawings will be realized at 17:00 o’clock in the building of the Head Office of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK on the declared days by revolving the drum and drawing 16-digit numbers of winning cards, with participation of Clients – the Action participants. The address of the head office is: 2A, Mahtumkuli Street (former Tarakkiyot Street), Tashkent;
- when opening a VISA Gold and/or VISA Classic card, a Client shall provide to a responsible officer the information on the current contact details (number of mobile phone, home or office phone), to have a possibility to contact a Participant and inform of winning, if a Participant will be unable to be present personally during prize drawing;
- in case if a Client opening a VISA Gold and/or VISA Classic card is not intending to become an Action Participant for participation in the drawing, at the time of opening a card, an Application in free format about refusal from participation in the drawing should be signed.
Procedure of obtaining prizes:
- in case if a Participant didn’t personally attend during the drawing, then no later than the next business day after the day of drawing, the responsible officer of the Bank shall inform by the phone the winner Participant about the won prize. A Participant shall be responsible for provision of actual contact information to the Bank;
- the prizes shall be issued in the offices of branches of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK convenient for Participants who won the drawing, with obligatory presentation of original passport and signing the Certificate of handover and acceptance according to the Annex to the Rules;
- obtaining of prize (excluding the super-prize) is possible in any convenient time until 31 December 2017;
- the realization of the super-prize, i.e. the travel to Bali Island, will be possible only within the time determined by these Rules, i.e. in the second half of August 2017;
- in case of a winner of the super-prize will be unable to go to the journey (due to the state of health or for other personal reasons), then an opportunity will be provided for use of the super-prize by a third person;
- in the following cases, the super-prize will be repeatedly drawn among the five Action Participants who will have won prizes during the final drawing on 1 August 2017: - in the case if the winner will decide not to use the won super-prize and will not assign the opportunity to use it by a third person, which fact should be notified to the Bank no later than the next business day after the final drawing, i.e. till 2 August 2017;
- in the case if the Bank will be unable to contact the recipient of the super-prize till 2 August 2017 by the phones indicated by the Participant during opening a card;
- taxes and fees related to the won prizes shall be paid by the Bank;
- payment of money equivalent of the value of won prizes (including the super-prize), or their exchange will not be performed;
- obtaining of visa for exit from the country is a responsibility of winner.
See also: